Hi! I'm Fanni.
A Developer.


I'm a Java Backend Developer with a solid scientific background.

Language Learning Platform

During my studies at Greenfox Academy, my groupmates and I created a Language Learning Platform – a small project similar to Duolingo. Our main goal was to learn new programming features by building our first real webpage.

To-do application

I created this Java Spring Boot application with my groupmates during my studies at Greenfox Academy. It demonstrates my Java developement and backend architecture skills, focusing on clean code and optimal performace.

Simple Library

It is also one of my Greenfox Academy group projects. It was written in Java with a MySQL database for storing data about books like title, author and publising date. It also has a search bar to search for an exact book.


One of my first little Java Backend project of my time at Greenfox Academy. We were getting in touch with MySQL and databases in general, and played around with them. It simulates a very simple pizza ordering application.